Rad 140 mk 677 stack reddit. Stay away from gimmick PCT products.

Rad and mk677 is a great stack but 30 of mk677 may be a little high. I'm currently 4 weeks into a 6 week cycle of RAD(10mg) + MK(15mg) + LGD(5mg) I'm 52 y/o and I have been absent from the gym for around 8 years, back for 12 weeks. I plan on running MK677 weeks 1-16 25mg day, RAD-140 ramping 15-25mg weeks 5-12 and Enclomiphene weeks 9-14, any problems or am i good to go? Archived post. Some people say you get massive gains, some say you lose it all, some say barely any. I’ve seen MK 677 used to help bulk (seemingly if you follow the new appetite it gives you), and to cut (if you deny yourself the extra calories it seems to want). 10mg lgd (less androgenic sides) 10mg mk6677, 300mg Berberine or a gda before every meal with a lot of carbs, and 6. I dont think i noticed a big difference on my first cycle wich was mk 677 and mk 2866 and lgd. 5-15mg of MK-677. 5mg YK (originally wanted 5mg) and 10mg Rad (originally wanted 20mg). Take 5mgs of RAD 140 and 10mgs of Cardarine for eight weeks. Cycling chlomid through the end of my rad cycle to kickstart my natural T levels back up. 25). I am at 36 days now, everything going well. I took LGD4033 for my first ever cycle a few months ago and am looking to start stacking, this time I'm thinking ill try RAD140 and MK677 stacked. Enclo as a test base 6. I usually save the MK to run alongside a SERM to support PCT and keep gains 19K subscribers in the SARMs community. No Broscience, No misinformation. I’m taking 1mL(full dropper) of rad in the morning. Get either clomid, enclomiphene or nolva for pct. Now sober my weight came back on almost instantly. upvotes So, my suggestion, if you really want to do a stack, keep the LGD, remove the RAD, and add YK. With berberine, B6, P5P, Vitamin E. I’m about to start mk-677 plus rad and yk. ) Pct starts about 2 weeks after the rad cycle. 5 of MK Week 5 and upped to 25 Week 6. Thank you for your answers ! Already got all the newbie gains i think. Biggest concern is my Mk-677. I’d take the mk every evening and eat until I fell asleep. At that point though traditional AAS is cheaper, more effective, and has the same health impacts. 5mg for 2 weeks then taper down to 6. Buying from Receptor Chem and the price is about 300gbp. Also for some context im 5”11, 26 years old and around 170lbs. I plan on running a stack of RAD-140 and MK-677 while eating at a calorie surplus to gain more mass. My strength training used to be pretty straightforward; maintain a good caloric surplus and lift heavy. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S2… Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now 7 weeks into Rad 140 and Mk-677. YK-11, Rad 140, Mk-677 cycle length. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. You should be good at 25. My first sarm cycle, 71kg -> 74kg ( 5,9 height). I’ve done mk-2866 plus rad and mk677 before. So let’s do a quick summary of what LGD 4033 and MK 677 are. So far no side affects. Never ran RAD at the same time as MK. 5 mg of Mk-677 and 15 After running a rad and MK cycle I can say 20mg of rad is higher but my personal sweet spot. The stack should work wel with building muscle and strength on top of burning fat so long as you eat at maintenance. Is it worth or nah? Good gains buddy , I would have suggested starting with 5mg rad and 10 mg mk 677 , then in week 3 introduce 20mg MK677 taken twice a day , upon waking up and before going to sleep , if you could split the mk by 3 for 3 doses in a day it would be best that way you'll have a constant pulsatile release for 8 hour periods of time and 10mg rad pre workout. . For Rad, started 10mg, upped to 15 Week 3, and 20 in Week 5, felt no sides. I've read sources where they say rad DEFINITELY needs pct, some say it doesn't at max 5mg. 5 MG for 2 weeks. May 15, 2022 · For me, a RAD-140 & MK-677 stack is perfect here. When he came off cycle he lost 4lbs of muscle in the first two months but retained the rest i think its because mk677 is more of a wet bulk. G’day! Just wanted to share my experience with this stack so other new users can be more aware of what they are getting into! This was my first rad cycle, and will definitely be my only rad cycle. If you want to skip to the part where we go over this stack, choose LGD 4033 MK 677 stack in the table of contents. RAD 140 / MK 677 / ENCLO Now looking at the following stack and dosages based on the source concentration: RAD-140: 15mg / day for 8 weeks in morning MK-2866: 15mg / day for 8 weeks in morning MK-677: 15mg / day for 8 weeks at night Is that too much for first timer? Personally I always wanted to stick to 1 thing at a time but it's hard to argue the synergy. Took the pictures in the same lighting so you can see the difference. Two weeks at 12. Pair that with the benefits of MK677, and RAD 140 at a high dose, and you have a stack stronger than many beginner AAS cycles. Depends how far 3 bottles will get me. Planning on starting a rad140 cycle for 8 weeks I take RAD-140 within a couple of hours of waking up at about 20ml(some days 30, after you’ve been on it a month, 10ml extra makes for a crazy day at the gym, and with the girlfriend) I take MK-677 within a couple of hours of going to sleep. I have noted results each week and I will leave them below. You can talk about sources, side effects, cycles, PCT and post your progress. Personally eating is my biggest struggle so I stacked it with my-677 because you will get a large increase in your appetite to make sure you are eating enough to get good gains, I wouldn’t stack rad-140, LGD just because you won’t know which is working. Thinking about doing 10mg LGD and 15mg MK for 8 weeks with this cycle 1x RAD-140 (RAD140) Solution 50ml 1x MK-677 (Ibutamoren) Solution 50ml 1x 1 ml measuring pipette. Pumps & muscles rock hard from week 3 onwards. Clomi20 is prob some nonsense pct sold online. Looking into doing a cycle, been doing research here and there. My plan was to run the rad through the whole bottle (2 months). I’ve done 1 cycle of 11 weeks of RAD 140. Or check it out in the app stores Stack lgd-4033 rad-140 et mk-677 . It’s pretty disappointing when it all disappears post cycle. I have used MK677 once for 5 weeks, but im now planning to do Rad 140 and MK677 for a 8 week cycle. Very little body fat. Also, 6mg of enclomiphene is probably not going to cut it, plan and opt for 12mg of enclomiphene a day. I only took rad for 2 weeks to test its effects. I quickly lost my weight and started feeling horrible about myself. EDIT because I worded this badly: The ostarine dose was quite high at 30mg, but 10mg-15mg of rad additional came after. 50mL(half dropper) of mk at night. week 5-10. Or check it out in the app stores Rad 140 + mk 677 . Wk 1-4. Also have some Enclomiphene and Nolva. Waking up was always a chore, but 30 or so Ming after wake up the lethargy was gone. (Stick with 10mg of rad for the entire cycle. Should I just run it with my pct instead of stacking with the RAD 140 cycle? So I am about to start my cycle of Rad 140 10mg ED for 8 weeks and MK 677 25mg 5 D on 2 D off for 16 weeks. Unfortunately my RAD lasted only for 4 weeks. Main goal is to gain mass and strength. 25mg ED starting from week 2 until 2 weeks post cycle. Im halfway through week 8 on this stack. On top of that 20 - 40mg RAD 140. I ordered raw powder rad, mk677, s23 and yk11. 5mg of enclo ED unless your test is too low, then bump up to 12. Highly recommend you do not stack these two . Noticeable stronger pumps since day 2, strength was going steadily up. rad 140 8 weeks 10mg ed first 6 weeks, 15mg ed last 2 weeks. Or if first time cycle at 8 weeks is good enough. Jan 1, 2024 · The YK11 will work synergistically with RAD 140, and boost its muscle-building effects by inhibiting myostatin. I previously used MK-677 a few months ago and it helped with my sleep and appetite; this will be the first time I stack it with RAD. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) - Including LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, YK-11, S4, S23 and their relatives such as Cardarine, Stenabolic and MK-677. 25 enclo ED from week 2-8, +2 weeks with no rad. My recommendation goes as follows. Stacking will most likely be supressive. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Rad-140, MK-677 stack. Is this stack a good idea? A Place to talk about SARMs (Selective androgen receptor modulator) like LGD4033, RAD140, Ostarine, S4, S23 and related compounds like MK677, Cardarine and Stenabolic. r/rad140. 15mg Mk 677 - 8 weeks 10mg rad 150 - 8 weeks I’ll throw in 12. + You get the benefits from increased hunger. Wondering if I should be doing mk 677 for a few weeks prior before doing rad140 (I’d buy more mk677 if so). Turns out my foreman did rad 140 and mk677 stack and he got insane results, he showed me a before and after picture. I considered stacking with MK 677 to build more mass as well, but now I know you can run MK 677 with a pct to help keep gains more. I'm 20 y Male turning 21 in 3 months. Stay away from gimmick PCT products. 25mg Enclo throughout the cycle and 2 weeks after as a PCT and around 12. 20mg of Rad, 25mg of MK. Imbue both of these compounds early in the morning or one hour before heading to the gym. Take good care of your sleep! I would say max 250mg test a week with a typical 10-20mg rad dosage, but yeah, it will take all the suppression side effects away and allow you to run the rad for a bit longer, like 10-12 weeks without much of an issue. 4 weeks at 10ml, 4 weeks at 15ml, and the rest at 20ml. Week 1-2: 5mg Mk 677 + 20mg Rad 140 Week 3-12: 5mg Mk 677 + 30mg Rad 140 Week 10-12: Adding Clomid 100mg Week 13: Clomid 50mg Hello good people, I would like to share my experience on this cycle. First stack Calendar Lmk Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. 1-4 weeks SARM only (example 10mg RAD140 ) + 15mg MK-677 5-8 weeks - 10mg RAD140 + 15mg MK-677 + 10mg Tamoxifen (or 25mg Clomid every other day) Post-cycle blood test. The two compounds, RAD 140 and MK 677, when used together, provide synergistic effects that enhance the overall results of your fitness I’m 2 weeks into my cycle of rad/mk. Subreddit for discussion Ill start this cycle as my 2nd cycle ever. 5 (and possibly 2 more at 6. Science based discussion on harm reduction, and how to make the most of Rad140. Progress. 5 mg Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Currently on my pct after having done a RAD-140 & Mk-677 stack, I was doing 22. It should be noted that I use SARMS from a reputable legit source. Is this going to be enough to counter the suppression from RAD? Hey boys and girls of Reddit! Made an account just to post this. The Cardarine is there to give you the extra endurance needed to build more strength and it works perfectly well with RAD 140. My last cycle I added in mk-677 and the lethargy was far worse than 30 rad. Started 12. Just wanted to know if anyone had any advice with this cycle. 8 weeks and pct after. Im going to the gym for 1,5yrs now and want so start with my first cycle ever consisting of 12 weeks. Mk isnt really good for losing fat as it makes you retain water and increase appetite and hunger its usually used as a add on to a more anabolic compound to offset sides and make "bulking" easier. Starting a rad 140 plus my-677 stack shortly. I already did a cycle of rad for 8 weeks and i’m planning on doing a new cycle in ~ 2 weeks (after my PCT). I am trying to find out if 12 weeks would be too long a cycle, or if basing it off of how you are doing physically/side effects would be the determining factor. Source Chemyo. Starting my first cycle of LGD-4033 and MK-677 stacked. An alternative would be to take the RAD-140 solo and throw in some MK-677, which doesn't affect your natural production of testosterone. So it seems convincing and he swears by it. Started with 5mg RAD 10 mg Cardarine in the mornings and 12,5mg MK in the evenings. Below, I have a schedule of my intake during this cycle. Rad140 20mg. I still have my rad and mk. Ive been researching sarms for a a few weeks now. Everyone will say try them separately, but they stack very well in my experience. It’s my first time doing mk but 2nd doing rad 140. Then run the mk for 4 months. I am thinking of starting the Enclomiphene my last week of Rad 140 at 12. He gained 9lbs of muscle and lost 7% bf according to his fitindex scale. Goal is to gain weight and want to be as hungry as possible, that's why Mk-677 dosage is a bit big. My only real side effects were extreme hunger at first and I can’t sleep. 5 mg (OR 5mg) for 8 weeks LGD 4033 10 mg for 8 weeks MK 677 20 mg for 8 weeks Local supplement store recommended this all in one stack that contains each capsule: RAD 140 10mg MK 677 10mg LGD 4033 5mg After reading on this subreddit, it looks as if they are overdosing me with this as my first stack, especially also being told take one at night and one in the morning. No noticeable sides, blood test after enclo is out of system. 10mg RAD-140, 5mg LGD, 20mg MK677 has been consistent through entire cycle. Before RAD140 + MK677 After 12 weeks running RAD140 + MK677 Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad-140 Mk-677 stack Hi, I made a post earlier about the cycle I was planning and got a lot of I have ran rad at various levels ranging from 5-30, always with 7-10 of yk-11. Also throw in magnesium to support Blood Pressure, ensure you do daily low impact cardio and run NAC for liver support. SORRY FOR LONG POST Hi guys, 30y 240lbs male, 20% bf but pretyy muscular liftin straight up for 14 years, strenght+bb, steroid use, trenbolone, test, anavar, nandrolone, winny (5-10 years back), sarms use rad 140, yk11, lgd 4033, mk677, andarine (1-3years ago) now liftin clean for 1 year but still want boost to recomp body, max lifts from 2 years ago when on sarms, SQ - 595lbs, DL- 620lbs, BP We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Hi ! So basically everything is said in the title, but I was wondering what dosage would you guys recommend for a rad and mk stack. Has anyone used this cycle or similar ones?, and if so how were the results?. 5 clomid around week 3-4 depending how suppressed I feel. Hey if i run a cycle of Enclomiphene along side the rad140 starting from the second week in on the rad140 cycle will that counteract the test suppression running the rad at 15mg a day? Il also be taking mk677 along side the rad. Dose the yk and rad twice a day, and up the mk to 25mg, and you have a very solid stack. Also, run it for a few months after the rad as it will help you keep your gains. Any advice on this and if it’s solid to do? Any other better to do? And post cycle supplement to do? Rad-140, Mk-677 Stack. Rad-140 has a dry vascular look and mk-677 is a watery full look. Mar 19, 2024 · I’m starting a rad 140 mk677 cycle and was curious if I should add a test booster such as enclomiphene and what pct I should run at the end. 6. Some bloat, but I attribute that to my sloppy diet for the holidays. I have been taking MK on an off for a few years. Thank you Cardarine is fine if you want to lose fat and crank cardio up becaue of the endurance boost. I’ve never done MK, but I got some pretty comparable gains on an 8 week, 10mg cycle of rad. Apr 3, 2024 · Stack RAD 140 with Cardarine and you’ll be in seventh heaven. I’m currently on RAD & MK-677 and am really early on the cycle but people tell me RAD will definitely help with fat loss but MK will also cause water retention so you may not notice it right away. Sarms-rad140 and mk677 stack . Lab Reports Here’s the difference between the look that rad-140 gives you and mk-677 gives you. This is the one that I’ve used for several cycles over the past three years: 10 mg RAD-140 daily; 10 mg MK-677 daily; 5 mg GW-501516 daily; Eight-week cycle (ten-week experience) Eight week gap between cycles; PCT supplement will be needed ; The RAD-140 delivers significant strength gains and On the 8th week of Rad & MK. Im well educated with 80% of all SARMS out there but ever since a friend of mine recommended Mk-677 because im very ripped and would like to be bulkier with more muscle mass, I haven't gotten a solid answer. Im 5'11" stick to a strict well balanced diet high in protien. Or check it out in the app stores   Rad 140, MK677 & LGD4033 Stack ideal for me? Question I have also done a YouTube video with my side effects and some more in depth information regarding Sarms (RAD) and GH (MK). rad 140 + mk677 I don’t want to do it just because. horny asf week 3 & 4. 10 MG of rad stacked with 25 MK 677 The appetite change kind of fizzled out but one thing that stayed is the sleep - It's very good whenever I do take MK and I wake up almost with a weed hangover sort of feeling where no matter how much sleep you had, it feels like enough. But i think for about 10 weeks maybe 12. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. 25 from about week 3 or 4. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Same with Mk, I only tested it for 2 weeks and stopped. As for MK I’d say 15mg will get you nice results but apparently 25mg is the usual sweet spot for most people. My dosage was as follows: 10mg of Rad, 15 mg of MK, and then on the third week 6 mg of enclomiphene till the end of the cycle. Just saw the update, rad with 677 is fine, but 677 works better when you’re taking a serm as it offsets the lowered igf1 from the serm. Want to prepare everything before hand so want to be sure. 23 pound gain Hey bro could you help a guy out I’m still Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Lgd-4033 and Mk-677 stack , 1st cycle . I worded it really badly, I PLAN on taking it total for 90 days later on. Hes done the stack without the mk-677 had similar results but retained more muscle. I’ve tried 30mg and noticed great effects but I couldn’t stay awake the whole day. Mk677 / RAD 140 cycle, dosage times , cycle tips. Some prefer in the morning. (Can switch to 12mg ED for 2 weeks post cycle) Supplement with: NAC, Milk Thistle, Astralagus Root, Multi Vitamin Don't run your cycle longer than 8 weeks. Ditch the rad and mk and just do 5mg Lgd for 8 weeks and then do proper pct. I am about 3 weeks into my cycle. Coupled with 6. Apr 7, 2024 · Before we can go over this stack, we have to understand what each of these two compounds (LGD 4033 and MK 677) are. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad 140 + mk677 stack questions! Hi guys, so i am currently doing a rad and mk677 stack 10 mg daily Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Rad 140 Mk677 and GW stack ? MK-677 PCT upvotes r/rad140. because my dumbass spilled the bottle. Always done the above for my cycles and been successful. Curious what a good dosage of each would be? I previously ran an 8 week cycle of 10mg LGD without any side effects. Don’t pussyfoot stuff like this. Not sure if it is because of the suboxone use or I'm looking to do a RAD-140 and MK-677 stack, first 8 weeks 10mgs of rad and 25mgs of mk then the next 4 weeks only 25mgs of mk. Nov 6, 2023 · A RAD 140 MK 677 stack (also known as the testolone and ibutamoren stack) is a powerful combo that bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts use to boost muscle growth, improve recovery, and enhance sleep quality. The Real Housewives of Atlanta; The Bachelor; Sister Wives; 90 Day Fiance; Wife Swap; The Amazing Race Australia; Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. With Nolvadex on deck in case I We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Any people use this stack and S4, MK-677, RAD-140 stack ordered mk, lgd and rad stack but got sent 2 bottles of s4 rather than the 1 lgd and haven’t been able to find any information stacking the three together, does anyone have any experience or knowledge with these three in a stack? just don’t want to go ahead and start it blindly Subreddit for discussion about Rad140. What is the ideal cycle length and dose for rad? I haven’t ran it in a few years. You're gonna be hungry, angry, and strong. Rad 140: 10mg ED (preworkout) Mk-677: 10mg ED (right before you go to bed) Add Enclomiphene Citrate 6. My before and after Rad 140 MK677 (Realistic) 6. Typically 3-4 hours after dosing. MK 677 and EC 7 week cycle results 6. I’ll run my mk677 through my pct as well, just a tad worried about suppression on the rad. This will allow you to select the correct dosage for Mini PCT after your cycle. Keeping the mk for 4 weeks after the rad is a good idea. Since both YK and RAD are so suppressive, I was thinking of doing small doses like at 2. Mk677 25 mg. Primary goal is to lose fat and keep or even build some lean muscle. These pictures were taken 2 months apart. If you have an enclomiphene source, and you plan to PCT post cycle, use enclomiphene instead of clomid, as it is superior. Im a beginner at sarms (never taken them b4) im 195 pounds and in good physical shape ive been lifting five days a week wantimg to add lean muscle mass to my rat and bulk him up with help from these powders. Mini PCT after the cycle. Id recommend starting with 10mg of rad though. I am going to hop on RAD 140 for my first cycle, 10mg a day for 8 weeks. Or check it out in the app stores     TOPICS Question about MK-677 and Rad-140 Stack . I also have enclomiphene to add. Rad140 10 mg (morning) Mk677 25mg (night. -MK-677 @ 25mg per day - RAD-140 @ 20-30mg per day I'm 180cm 92kg 28 years old Current lifts: Bench press 1 RM 105 Squat 1 RM 160kg Dead lift 1 RM 180KG did its good idea mix Cardarine with mk? I'm looking at maybe getting too 90kgs and increasing my strength with cut the fat %. Then . Is running all three smart with a PCT or do you think I should just stick with LGD & MK since Im worried about my hair? Thanks guys! RAD 140 2. Jul 6, 2023 · Testosterone at at least TRT level but higher will be better (200 - 500mg depending on your goal). Rad-140 YK-11 MK677 . Hopefully the MK will help keep the gains, but definitely prepare yourself for what may come, homie. lj sm dp md dw bl sf sd yf yj