Round trip conversion: kebab_case ('a b c') 'a-b-c' lower_case ('a-b-c') 'a b c' Not round trip conversion: pascal_case ('a b c') 'ABC' lower_case The style may also be called pothole case, especially in Python programming, in which this convention is often used for naming variables. These formats have different tradeoffs related to readability, usage, and consistency that we’ll explore. It is commonly used in languages such as C#, Visual Basic, and Pascal itself. Pascal case is similar to camel case but the first letter is in Bunlardan başlıcaları Camel Case, snake Case ve Hungarion Natation dur. snake_case: Se llama así porque nunca se despega del piso. Örnek : var humps. Nov 2, 2020 · Kebabcase string. Jun 10, 2020 · 介紹幾種常見的命名規則. Release v3. Ruby. Jul 22, 2023 · 3. Hashes for case_convert-1. It offers different modes to suit your specific formatting needs, including Camel case, Lower camel case, Snake case, Upper snake case, Kebab case, and Upper kebab case. Converts a string to snake case. Four of the most commonly used naming conventions are Snake, Camel, Pascal, Kebab, and Upper case. In this case that'll require a change to your dependency jar. Sep 8, 2023 · Kebab case is a way of writing phrases without spaces, where spaces are replaced with hyphens -, and the words are typically all lower case. The caveat here is that we will no longer be performing 'round trip' conversion. Aug 18, 2023 · August 18, 2023. The string can be space-separated, dash-separated, or can be separated by underscores. Kebab Case Kebab case is also known as D ash Case , Lisp Case, and Spinal Case . Las letras estarán todas en minúscula. Aquí tienes varios ejemplos: La sintaxis de contar palabras en notación Kebab Case sería contar Apr 16, 2024 · 1. Oct 1, 2022 · Snake case is widely used in naming variables, functions, and methods in the Python programming language. Supported styles: - CamelCase - SnakeCase - KebabCase - PascalCase. Camel case describes the practice of writing phrases such that each word or abbreviation in the middle of the phrase begins with a capital letter, without intervening spaces or punctuation. Sep 11, 2020 · Se suele utilizar en C y en Python, siempre y cuando se siga una programación estructurada que recomiende esta convención de nombres. Jun 10, 2020 · 常見的命名規則 (Camel Case, Snake Case, Kebab Case) Camel Case 因為單字的開頭大寫,看起來像是駝峰 XD 可以進一步細分為 upper camel case ( BrowserStack) 與 lower camel case ( iPhone ),差別在於開頭第一個字是否為大寫.. 7 and Python 3. x and 2. Following are naming conventions used by different programming languages and tools. Jul 19, 2023 · Pascal Case is often used in programming languages like C# for naming classes, namespaces, and methods. Snake case, also known as “underscore case,” uses underscores to separate words in a variable or function name. Example: “what-is-kebab-case”. 0's requirements. A Python library for word case conversions. Jan 30, 2020 · Python in Plain English FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2. Las palabras, como vagones de tren: Train-Case. kebabCase () method. Jul 16, 2021 · Kebab case vs. You can use the standard naming convention styles from the underlying programming language. x so you should not encounter any backwards Nov 3, 2023 · November 3, 2023. If none of the cases match, then it executes the default case and prints that the input is invalid. For example, if you have a variable representing a person’s first name, you would write it in kebab case as: Oct 1, 2020 · kebab-case. It is also known as pothole_case. นิยมใช้สำหรับการตั้งชื่อให้กับ variable และ method มักจะพบบ่อยในภาษา Python Java, JavaScript, หรือ TypeScript. Monnify uses camel case for the request/response object of their APIs. In Kebab Case, compound words are separated by hyphens, and all letters are in lowercase. Reasons for using a naming convention (as opposed to allowing programmers to choose any Feb 13, 2023 · Camel Case. Pep 8 Style Guide This is the recommendation for packages, which is the main folder containing modules, for testing, setup, and script files, *. This makes it easier to read, maintain, and debug. 0 and Alembic with FastAPI and Postgres. The task is to count a number of upper and lower case characters in it. Snake Case: All letters are lower case, with underscores separating words. Snake Case§ Snake case uses all lowercase letters, with underscores between words. Mar 11, 2021 · Stripe: Stripe uses snake case for their request/response object across their APIs regardless of the language used. It is commonly used in Python for naming variables, constants, and sometimes functions. Starting from 0 to 6, it checks till the number is equal to one of these values. Camel case is characterized by having the first word lowercase and subsequent words capitalized. Kebab Case: Kebab Case is similar to Snake Case, but instead of underscores, words are separated by hyphens (-). sub() to replace any - or _ with a space, using the regexp r"(_|-)+". In this post, we will delve into different naming conventions like Camel Case, Pascal Case, Snake Case, Screaming Snake Case, Kebab Case, and Hungarian Notation, providing examples and detailed explanations. kebab case in HTTP URLs (most-common-programming-case Converts a string to kebab case. It is available on PyPI and can be installed with. 例: kebab-case 使用例: HTML, CSSなど 例えば API を作っていて、 JSON 内のキーはキャメルケースなんだけど、 Python で扱う Dictionary ではスネークケースで扱いたい、といった相互変換したい場合がありますよね。 May 23, 2023 · To prioritize parsing the string as one case unless told otherwise. Examples :Input : Introduction to Python Output : Lower Case characters : 18 Upper case characters : 2 Input : Welcome to GeeksforGeeks Output : Lower Case characters : 19 Upper case characters: 3Method 1: Apr 1, 2020 · The first word within the output should be capitalized only if the original word was capitalized (known as Upper Camel Case, also often referred to as Pascal case). It was tested with Python 2. PHP. However, most programming languages don't allow spaces between words. Then just remove the dash and uppercase the character. 因為單字的開頭大寫,看起來像是駝峰 XD. Quick Comparison Table Oct 16, 2018 · Python packages should also have short, all-lowercase names, although the use of underscores is discouraged. Por ejemplo JS utiliza camelCase, Python snake_case, PascalCase se ve en las clases y así. Most programming languages don’t allow using kebab case! Apr 14, 2023 · Kebab Case: Kebab case is like snake case but instead of underscore, the dash is used, it combines words by replacing each space with a dash. To install pycasestyle, you can use pip:. Upper case snake case for constants. 2. Examples: last_name, annual_earnings, total_snakes_found. In addition, note that Stack Overflow itself uses hyphens in the URL: /hyphen-underscore-or-camelcase-as-word-delimiter-in-uris. Jun 5, 2020 · Kebab Case (contar-elementos) La notación Kebab Case combina las palabras usando un guión -como nexo. sub() to replace any -or _ with a space, using the regexp r"(_|-)+". Oct 18, 2021 · Case Styles: Camel, Pascal, Snake. Jun 30, 2012 · This is known as dash-case or kebab-case. This format is commonly used in various programming contexts, including web development, where it's important for elements like URL slugs, CSS classes, and identifiers to adhere to a standard, readable, and URL-friendly format. You may see more about VSCode snippet creation here ( example Jul 22, 2023 · Let’s take a more detailed look at the 4 popular case styles in programming. Other Conventions kebab case in Lisp. code-block:: bash pip install pycasestyle. It is called “snake case” because the underscores resemble the belly scales of a snake. kebab-case. Java and C# use kebab style naming. This comes from Mark Masse's "REST API Design Rulebook" from Oreilly. For example, a snake case variable might be named user_id or user_name. Quattro di questi si sono mostrati i più popolari, e sono: Camel Case. Kebab case, also known as "spinal case" or "hyphen case," involves writing compound words in lowercase letters and separating them with hyphens ("-"). This convention originated from the Pascal programming language. This is mainly because most programming languages don’t allow adding dashes between words. Posted on October 18, 2021. Use the standard dictated by the surrounding software. Write 20 into the first variable and -100 into the second variable. The words are written without any separators between words. Two or more words are often required to properly convey a resource's meaning. Apr 16, 2022 · Case Converter. my-bank-balance = 101. Nov 25, 2019 · kebab-case football-match 3. Instructions. Python-CamelCaser is a Python package that provides functionality for finding real-world words in a string and reformatting strings into various standardized notations. py. Because the space character is reserved, we cannot use it to represent a concept that we express in our human language with multiple words. Oct 26, 2022 · Nel corso degli anni, gli sviluppatori hanno usato svariati modi di scrivere i nomi delle diverse entità nel loro codice. By enforcing case sensitivity, Python promotes a coding standard that enhances code readability and maintainability. kebab case in HTTP URLs (most-common-programming-case-types/). If you want to avoid creating an in-memory list you could use use itertools. Camelcase is commonly used for naming variables and method names in programming languages like JavaScript, Java, and C#. Example. Syntax: We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Pascal case - ExampleVariable. When all-upper-case, it may be referred to as screaming snake case (or SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE). It seems kebab-case in particular has entered the lexicon of several javascript code libraries. @Daniel - That issue is noted in the docs for title: "The algorithm uses a simple language-independent definition of a word as groups of consecutive letters. A robust python package for transforming string cases such as Hello, world! into helloWorld (camelcase). Pascal Case. Python · November 2, 2020 String to words. And at one point if it matches, the corresponding day of the week is printed. Sep 18, 2023 · Camel case. I used re module ENTIRE CODE import re def toSnakeCase(string, restToLower : bool = False): Jan 15, 2023 · snake_case is a variable naming convention where each word is in lower case, and separated by underscores. node-package-manager. Camel case - exampleVariable. For example, the phrase "user settings panel" would be represented as "user-settings-panel" in the kebab case. Jun 16, 2021 · I can able to find a way to convert camelcase type based request body to snake case one by using Alias Generator, But for my response, I again want to inflect snake case type to camel case type post to the schema validation. Todas las palabras van en minúscula con un _ como separador. join() to combine all word using - as the separator. In this, we first split all underscores, and then join the string appending initial word, followed by title cased words using generator expression and title (). Illustratively, it may be rendered snake_case, pothole_case, etc. Ej: let mi_nombre = ‘Nicolás’ Cada lenguaje de programación utiliza x nomenclatura. Kebab case - example-variable. Jun 11, 2017 · Este tipo de convención se utiliza en nombres de variables y funciones de lenguajes antiguo particularmente asociado con C. The Find regex is v-ref:([\w-]+) The Replace regex is Jul 17, 2020 · Snake Case: first_name. The primary advantage of Pascal Case is its readability, as Jul 27, 2023 · この表記法は、PythonやRubyなどのプログラミング言語でよく使用されます。 ケバブケース (Kebab Case) ケバブケースは、複数の単語をハイフン(-)で結びつける表記法です。全ての文字は小文字で書かれます。例えば、first-nameやis-availableのようになります。この Jun 2, 2023 · Given a string that contains both upper and lower case characters in it. Mar 26, 2024 · The _. Agora, vamos conhecer os quatro tipos mais comuns Apr 24, 2012 · The standard best practice for REST APIs is to have a hyphen, not camelcase or underscores. Nov 2, 2020 · Python · November 2, 2020 String to words. Naming conventions play a crucial role in programming, enhancing code readability and maintainability. Example: https://appdevtools Jun 23, 2023 · Camel Case: Camel Case is a casing style where words are joined together without any spaces, and each new word starts with a capital letter except for the first word. Nov 3, 2018 · snake_case; kebab-case; Removing spaces between words. Introducing Humps for Python! Naming convention (programming) In computer programming, a naming convention is a set of rules for choosing the character sequence to be used for identifiers which denote variables, types, functions, and other entities in source code and documentation . Inspired by Humps for Node. Kebab Case (kebab-case) In kebab case, compound words are separated by dashes. Camel case. Method #1: Using split () + join () + title () + generator expression. Jul 22, 2023 · ケバブケースとはハイフンで複数の単語をつなげる命名規則である。. – Jun 24, 2020 · CamelCase, kebab-case or snake_case, or all mixed and mashed together 😂? Of course, this would also depend on which programming language you use, or style guide. The-quick-brown-fox-jumps-over-the Kebab Case. Naming conventions play a crucial role in software development as they provide structure and consistency to code. If the current character is uppercase, it adds an underscore before it and makes it lowercase. Snake case for method names and instance variables (PEP8). Renaming a module can be problematic, especially if you are relying on another standard. Can it be more optimized? I know this problem can be solved using regex. Igual que el CamelCase existen variedades, por ejemplo todas las letras en mayusculas de denomina SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE utilizado para definir constantes. May 15, 2019 · We assumed there was only one hyphen in the variable name. Kebab case is a case style where compound words are separated by dashes. It can convert to and from Camel, Pascal, Snake, Kebab and Strings Sentences. This style improves readability by visually distinguishing words, making Pascal case is used for classes and modules in Ruby. Jun 10, 2023 · Snake case - example_variable. (\$. Summary. Python Improve this page Add a description, image, and links to the kebab-case topic page so that developers can more easily learn about it. Snake Case is typically used in languages like Python, Ruby, and JavaScript for variable and function names. *) \$ matches the character $ with index 3610 (2416 or 448) literally (case sensitive) . But what do YOU really feel like would be the best naming case for folder/directories? Which type of casing do you use when naming a folder in your project? CamelCase, kebab-case or Aug 6, 2018 · Python Conventions Snake case for method names and instance variables (PEP8). . Apr 27, 2021 · Kebab case is the way to write compound words separated by hyphens (-) instead of using space. Just say whats is the output type. join() to combine all word using -as the separator. Case Styles: Camel, Pascal, Snake, and Kebab Case. In contrast to camel case, kebab case separates compound words in a variable name with a dash. lower() to lowercase them. Feb 5, 2016 · ケバブケース(kebab-case)というらしい。Lispでも使われるので lisp-case とも。 疑問. If the current character is lowercase, it simply returns it. The combination of above functions can be used to solve this problem. For example: Apr 11, 2019 · The (?:^|-)([a-z]) pattern matches either the string start position ( ^) or ( |) a hyphen, and then matches and captures into Group 1 a lowercase ASCII letter ( ([a-z]) ). assert_equals(to_camel_case(''), '', "An empty string was provided Feb 15, 2020 · Camel case – or should I say, camelCase – is probably the best known programming naming convention, in either PascalCase (initial capital) or dromedaryCase versions. Python · November 2, 2020 Camelcase string. This writing style is widely used in SEO (Search Engine Optimization — technique used by software developers to optimize search engines) to create a “slug” in URLs. string: This parameter holds the string that needs to convert into kebab case string. Use re. Jul 11, 2023 · Pascal Case, also known as Upper Camel Case, is a naming convention in which each concatenated word is capitalized except for the first word. Different conventions, such as Camel Case and Snake Case… Oct 20, 2023 · Lodash _. The most notable difference in the kebab case is usability. Python · October 25, 2020 String to slug. Is there any way I can achieve this? Example: I do have a python dict as below, Jul 30, 2023 · Snake Case: Snake Case is a naming convention where words are separated by underscores (_) with all lowercase letters. La convención más sabrosa de todas: kebab-case. Kebab case is thus very similar to the snake case, which is a more popular case style in software development. Kebab case is a less popular case style in programming. Converts a string to a URL-friendly slug. An example of pascal case of the variable pascal case var is PascalCaseVar. Python · November 2, 2020 Kebabcase string. 1st Capturing Group. The name comes from the similarity of the words to meat on a kebab skewer. And, You don't need say what is the input type, the code parse it. Python · November 2, 2020 Snakecase string. Kebab Case: All letters are lower case, with hyphens separating words. Conclusion. Tabela. 何故 ケバブ ? 理由を探したが見つからなかった…。 → 「串刺し」 だからだそうです(コメントより)。@riocampos @__hage さん、ありがとうございます! まとめ Jun 23, 2023 · Snake Case: Snake Case is a casing style where words are separated by underscores (_). it("Basic tests") test. Camel Case (camelCase) Camel case is one of the most commonly used naming conventions in coding. This library is a port of the Clojure library with the same name by @qerub. Conclusão. Like snake case, which uses an underscore to separate words, kebab case maximizes whitespace in an effort to make variables easier to read. snake case in JSON property keys. Using camel case you lose the casing in many databases or may need special handling. tar. But, I want to do it without using regex. Kebab case. Take a look at their documentation page here. pip install --user camel_snake_kebab. 1. 0. This feature helps prevent conflicts and confusion that could arise from the indiscriminate use of case in identifiers. Since the names used in YAML appear in the associated Python API, it is clear that on this particular project, the YAML names should obey the Python lower_case_with_underscores naming Dec 9, 2022 · Snake Case 🔗. 1. Sep 6, 2021 · I made a function that can convert every string to snakecase but some of my string creating a problem. 8. My problem is I want to go from v-ref:my-awesome-variable to ref="myAwesomeVariable" First step. An example of kebab case of the variable kebab case var is kebab-case-var. Because of this, you usually see kebab case in URL slugs. Contribute to pxf0797/Python_Algorithms development by creating an account on GitHub. Generally, everything is written in lowercase. Python Conventions. ( Installation) humps 🐫 Convert strings (and dictionary keys) between snake case, camel case and pascal case in Python. Mar 18, 2024 · Python’s case sensitivity is by design, encouraging precision and clarity in programming. PascalCase PascalCase has every word starts with an uppercase letter (unlike camelCase in that the first word starts with a lowercase letter). Example: snake_case_example. Going along with Aaron's answer, it is difficult with auto-completion if you have many similarly named repos to have to constantly check if the person who created the repo you care about used a certain breakdown of the upper and lower cases. I mentioned that this function converts almost any string, and that is because of the way numbers are handled may differ for each use case. Aunque también lenguajes como Ruby y Python lo han adoptado. No other terms have achieved wide adoption, though there are various other coinings out there including hyphen-case, caterpillar-case, lisp-case, train-case, url-case, slug-case, and css-case. Hyphen is considered a special char in many languages and not accepted in names. Cuando las palabras se colocan separadas por un guion y en minúscula, eso es usar la convención kebab-case. Camel Case is commonly used in JavaScript, Java, and C# for variable and function names. Para conhecer mais: Além disso, podemos encontrar outras linguagens, como Go, que dependem muito de você conhecer a diferença entre os casos de uso, pois a convenção utilizada no nome possui um efeito semântico também. Snake Case. For example: Sep 27, 2013 · You are absolutely right, however that does not apply in this particular case, as what is passed to the join method is not a comprehension but a regular list. 17 Mindblowing Python Automation Scripts I Use Everyday. Debido a su buen resultado visual y a su simpleza es el estándar que se usa en la creación de URLs. Sometimes, it is better to use this type all capitalized, also known as Constant Case (used in constants in Python). For example, it would be perfectly reasonable to expect 3dPrinter to return 3d-printer . Note that a @ConfigurationProperties annotation with a prefix in kebab-case will work with both Spring Boot 1. General usage from caseconverter import camelcase camelcase ("Hello, world!" Dec 31, 2021 · I have a kebabize function which converts camelCase to kebab-case. The dash between words can be likened to the skewer of a shish kebab, thus the name. If you were to map this JSON to DB records, makes sense to use snake_sase. The code will work with any name, and we only check the printed result, so the task is up to you. gz; Algorithm Hash digest; SHA256: 38c38b845dcb8537f7c062d99e3311177a24ff44e6765ff5926ab9e3bce0ed55: Copy : MD5 Jun 25, 2023 · Notation Transformation: Python-CamelCaser allows you to easily transform strings into various standardized notations, such as Camel case, Lower camel case, Snake case, Upper snake case, Kebab case, and Upper kebab case. May 21, 2024 · Approach 3: Using Lodash _. Print the product of the numbers written in the resulting variables. Pascal case. avoid upper case. Camel Case. Snake case for symbols, methods and variables. This style can be particularly helpful in Feb 13, 2024 · pycasestyle is a Python library for converting variable naming styles between CamelCase, snake_case, kebab-case, and PascalCase. Unless you have a rare case like this, definitely rename your module if you have control over it. Besides, you’ll see some examples and common use cases for these case styles. 另外,因為 upper camel case 又稱為 Pascal Case ,因此有部分人泛指 Camel Case 為 1. In case there are more than one, we could simply re-apply the Find and replace of the second step until no occurrence is found. sub() to match all words in the string, str. 另外,因為 upper camel case 又稱為 Pascal Case ,因此有部分人 Mar 21, 2024 · In the realm of programming, naming conventions are vital for structuring code and fostering readability, maintainability, and consistency. La misma nomenclatura que Java. Mar 30, 2023 · The cameltosnake function converts the input string from camel case to snake case by recursively processing the string character by character. Usage . We choose to pick upper case as the inferred case. Kebab Case is another popular casing style, mainly used in web development and filenames. Finally, use str. なぜならば、コードが読みやすく、理解しやすくするためだ。. 例えば、変数名を「user-name」のように作成するということだ。. kebabCase() function is used to convert strings into kebab case, where words are lowercase and separated by hyphens. 🥙 Kebab Case All Algorithms implemented in Python. In programming, we often remove the spaces between words because programs of different sorts reserve the space (‘ ’) character for special purposes. Kebab case -- or kebab-case -- is a programming variable naming convention where a developer replaces the spaces between words with a dash. The name "camel case" comes from the hump-like appearance of the capital letters. Then, ${1:/upcase} in the replacement part gets the value captured in Group 1 and turns it to upper case. Dec 15, 2020 · As most programming languages prefer lowercase variable names, you should convert all letters to lowercase unless it is needed to be upper case for the casing requirements. This naming convention is commonly used in programming languages like: Python. Installation. Jul 22, 2023 · Definition & Examples. Other Conventions. In my case, I am using python cgi files in the cgi-bin folder (doing unitttests on them), which is pretty standard afaik. It's often stylized as "kebab-case" to remind the reader of its appearance. Programming variable names should be descriptive. そして、このような命名規則は主にプログラミングで使用 Nov 26, 2022 · スネークケース( snake_case ) current_user_item のように書きます。 アンダースコア で要素語( current user item)を連結します。 ケバブケース( kebab-case ) current-user-item のように書きます。 ハイフン で要素語( current user item)を連結します。 言語ごとの命名規則 Aug 14, 2012 · The problem with camel case is that there are often different interpretations of words - for example, checkinService vs checkInService. For example, Python language uses a snake case. I am sharing my code. Monnify: Monnify is a brand of TeamApt, a Fintech company just like Stripe based in Lagos, Nigeria. For example, in my current project the YAML file contains default values for Python attributes. Converts a given string into a list of words. chain, but then if you are concerned about memory footprint when converting snake to camel case you have much bigger problems. camelCase myLaptop 4. kebab case in Lisp. To do this, instead of making all characters lower case There are no official naming convention styles for yaml content. Use: Mostly used in URLs. kebabCase () method is used to convert the given string into a kebab case string. Commonly used in: Python, Ruby, C/C++ standard libraries, Wordpress, database table and column names. The rest is the same. kebabCase is the practice of writing identifiers using hyphens instead of spaces. py and __init__. Converts a string to camelcase. Feb 12, 2019 · A fully ES5 compatible way to do this is, to find all the dashes that are followed by an alphanumeric character using this simple regex /-\w/g. describe("Testing function to_camel_case") test. camel case. Older name was toCase, but when I was publishing on Pipy tocase package Sep 11, 2018 · The only solution is to update all @ConfigurationProperties annotations to meet Spring Boot 2. kebab 139. Все буквы маленькие, слова разделяются дефисом. Converts a string to kebab case. 4. The input test cases are as follows: test. 可以進一步細分為 upper camel case ( BrowserStack) 與 lower camel case ( iPhone ),差別在於開頭第一個字是否為大寫.. Lodash _. Mar 24, 2023 · Explanation : String converted to Camel Case. For instance, Cassandra CQL is case-insensitive. Kebab case is a naming convention used in programming to format variable, function, or file names by separating words with hyphens (“-“). matches any character (except for line terminators) * matches the previous token between zero and unlimited times, as many times as possible, giving back as needed (greedy) : matches the character : with index 5810 (3A16 or 728 It takes the number as input and checks it with each case till it reaches the True case. The same can be done for pascal case just by also checking for the first character in the string using ^\w|-\w. While researching, we were delighted to learn about kebab-case -being-a-thing, and you can find a bunch more letter cases on Wikipedia . 0, Pydantic-V2, Alembic, Postgres and Docker A tutorial for using SQLAlchemy 2. Camel Case (Medial Capitals) Değişken veya fonksiyon tanımlanırken tanımın makul bir bir kaç kelime ve sadece ilk kelimenin baş harfi küçük ve diğer bütün kelimenin baş harfi büyük olacak şekilde bitişik tanımlama yapılarak kullanılır. It is also known as “kebab-case”, “hyphen-case”, or “spinal-case”. Nov 2, 2020 · Python · November 2, 2020 Kebabcase string. Diamo un'occhiata ad alcuni esempi in modo da vedere come funzionano. Upper Case. Create two variables named «first number» and «second number» in English using snake_case. Elegant Python function to convert CamelCase to snake_case? RB toCase is a Case converter made in python, for peoples who wants simplify this feature. Kebab Case. The definition works in many contexts but it means that apostrophes in contractions and possessives form word boundaries, which may not be the desired result". Snake case. fv wn yy xa ng ta ym hf gu yf