Worm fanfiction the fourth endbringer. Wyvern has her turn into a dragon and blow the door off.

) An Essence of Silver and Steel has a really amazing endbringer kill. The Endbringer Leviathan attacked the city and the defending capes braced for the battle of a lifetime. She Summons Sea Things by the Sea Shore one shot. [Endbringer!Taylor] [Alive Annette] [AU] The Fourth Endbringer, Twenty First Conflict Engine, or First Protection Engine. " That one word sent her pathetic attempt at defense to the Ship Graveyard. Difficulty: World Breaker (12 Points) Powers: N/A. There's always that urge to move around or fidget, maybe an itch that needs scratching or a vague need to turn. Armsmaster could only gape in surprise as the Endbringer was sent flying back, slamming into a pair of buildings and burying itself in the rubble. At this point I knew everything. Except one is apparently US Army. S They will direct all the regular citizens to Endbringer shelters, hopefully keeping them out of this mess. Dragon knew that, right now, the main theory regarding her ability to grow both so big and small had something to do with what she did to her arms when she was fighting the Simurgh, something about inflating and deflating herself, but that was neither here nor there. I love crack too. Muscular POV: Shit's gone to shit ever since the boss got fucking taken. Nature of Entry: Endbringer. I take no credit for his work. Suggesting it to people who want Endbringer CYOA/SI fics. Three truly excellently written fics, among the best the fandom has to offer: Paper and Sand, Taylor gets sent back in time as the fourth Endbringer. Sep 5, 2015 · Perhaps I'm not a big enough Supernatural fan to pick up on the crossover details. Fortunately, the same can't be said for the majority of its champions, slaves and other entities shackled to its will. Taylor Hebert usually triggers in her Locker. "In a move that surprised the entire world, the newest Endbringer, known as Set, intervened in the Endbringer battle of Brockton Bay. Theogony has a really awsome fight against all 3 endbringers at the end. Fight starts here and lasts several chapters. "Y-You know the circumstances-" she tried to defend herself. Her whole body except for the faces is made out of what appears to be coloured hair, growing from her three heads and woven into ribbons and cords. Yeah, I read maybe half that first chapter and then stopped because it was so poorly written. Jan 17, 2011 · Her father looked at the sight of The Simurgh waving her hand excitedly in greeting standing next to Alexandria who looked extremely calm at being next to the Endbringer. It was published in October 1, 2018 on Spacebattles and Sufficient Velocity. And with over five hundred worm fanfics alone in my library, it's pretty clear that my standards are already somewhat low. Jul 31, 2021 · Notes: Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow. Simurgh altpowers: Thoughts as Light as a Feather- Ziz. A Subtle Approach has a SI new Endbringer that decides to use the Fallen to help defeat Scion. With a word and a gesture, Miss Militia led the two Very Important People towards the Triumvirate Hero and the Endbringer. " "Wait. Slayer of Shatterbird and The Siberian. Still Australia Jokes Though. Hypnos(Materia-Blade)-Post GM Taylor is forcibly sent back in time as an endbringer, focuses more extensively on the people fighting Taylor/Hypnos. The Empyreal Abomination calling itself the Blood God is not without cunning, and like everything coming from the darkness, it is a grave mistake to underestimate the danger represented by its plans. Hypnos is dead(ish) but Paper and Sand still updates every once in a while. She is the most recent of the trio to appear, having first made her presence known in Lausanne, Switzerland in 2002. I love Friendbringer fics. Instead things only got worse, until one Saturday, the Endbringer sirens started shrieking. Jan 31, 2011 · It took only a moment to put his thoughts in order. This fanfiction is a creative outlet and is They looked at each other for several more seconds, contemplating whether they should refuse an Endbringer's request. +page break+. Tohu takes the appearance of a three-faced young woman. This One has more if you want endbringer level, but here are the directly Endbringer fics. A shop that sells items that may or may not change the very definition on an S-Class Threat. Tohu is one of the Twins, an Endbringer. He got an acknowledgement from the Mayor, asking for details when available and when a specific date could be released. Now the tricky part of being a statue is the simple act of sitting still. Disclaimer: Worm is owned by Wildbow. I know how useless my power is. Wormfic. Instead only vague memories of a previous life and the mindless existence of being the newest, fourth Endbringer, created by the [Thinker] after she reset the timeline. Taylor assumes time-shenanigans, as she is apparently younger than her supposed children, but takes it in stride. All hail Gygax! …. A new endbringer? Here? 1 minute after I gain my power I break international laws and 1 hour after it I cause the place I landed to be attacked by a new endbringer. But just as the wave of blue was about to drain down the open hole torn by the Endbringer's impossibly sharp talons, a pillar of green shot out from the hole, striking the monster in the chest. The Simurgh (Pronounced "see-MOORG" or "SEE-moorg" in US English[35] and "sim-MOORG" in UK English[36]) is one of the three original Endbringers, alongside Behemoth and Leviathan. When it comes to Friendbringer Jun 17, 2018 · The Fourth Endbringer, Twenty First Conflict Engine, or First Protection Engine. The Mixed-Up Life of Charlie Fort, Taylor gets sent back in time to the moment Eden was about to die. I sit in my small room, set up with simple decorations but not lacking on quality. It really depended on how you looked at the situation, and how much you knew. The ABB was always a dumb fucking name, but working under the lizard bastard let us do whatever we wanted. "I thought they were locally owned. They consider Taylor their mother. Disclaimer: Worm created by Wildbow. The keyboard lightly rattling put paid to that idea. The fighting stopped. The fight itself is quite good, as is the design of the Endbringer. (Massive amounts of property damage included. Rule 7 violations will be removed and may get you temp-banned. I have read the likes of Be a Good Friendbringer (hence the title), A Subtle Approach and Learning to be Human and I loved all of them to bits. Their hopes burn as small as possible. Another Endbringer, as if three weren't enough. Pathfinder by Paizo. "See!" Skitter. Survivor of the Fall of Leviathan. Nov 30, 2015 · Taylor Hebert didn't trigger inside the locker. I didn't recognize them. Supervillain, they branded him. I fly high in the air and turn up my suit's speaker system, allowing most to hear me at a noticeable volume regardless of distance. Before that I was a simple 20-year-old comic book lover. Leviathan was headed to Brockton Bay, and Taylor Hebert would get a different power Eden's death had been a lie. Simurgh altpowers: Thoughts as Light as a Feather. Replied On Feb 4th 2011: This whole war was a plan by Osiris to attract more people to Africa! By attacking again a place that already suffered an Endbringer attack in the past destroyed the illusion that people had that they were safe in a place that was already attacked and makes people think that the only safe place is her little kingdom! The Mayor would get one, Director Tagg another, Rebecca Costa-Brown a third, and a fourth to the secure site set up specifically for Endbringer Watch. Hypnos this is the Round Robin that inspired MateriaBlade. I wondered why you took so long to bubble up again. "I could almost believe it, you're certainly less obsessed about girl stuff than I was at your age. Also that the Endbringer attack frequency was going down from every 3 months to every 4 since this is also her yearly endbringer attack. "Gamma Solutions, LLC. Endbringer. Like, the part where Taylor, a completely unknown cape who has never participated in an Endbringer battle before, has the authority to redirect capes to get out of her way so she can take a chance on fighting Leviathan. The Simurgh's thought patterns are clinical and not human, being very goal-oriented and future Leviathan, Behemoth and the Simurgh become human by way of Taylor's powers. 15 votes, 12 comments. The Endbringer complied and moved his arm out of the way, letting the concrete slab fall down as he did so. Oh hey, volcanic rage at Cauldron and the Triumvirate. Endbringer control: Sep 3, 2019 · Chapter 9: The Inevitable Endbringer Fight Chapters! Part 2 – Actual Fighting Happens. T because of light, Worm-style swearing and a proportions joke. Frankly, she barely survived, and tbh the main reason the fight was so short is cuz I actually had a big ol plan for when she first fights an endbringer, and I didn't want to pull it out yet, cuz things aren't ready, so she just got Requiem of Silence is playing in the background. Half an hour later, the newest Uber and Leet Show video went up, containing the footage the winged Endbringer had given them and some explanations to go with it. I was wondering what sort of characters, weapons, spells, or anything else would be able to kill "People are still celebrating what many call a miracle!" The newscaster said. Official summary of the story:Summary: In which Taylor loses her mind, Queen Administrator decides that bugs aren’t very impressive, and everyone discovers that It’s hard to escalate "This was a great idea," I said, nodding proudly. You are currently logged in, OppositesAttract_2003 Feb 18, 2022 · The tall feathered Endbringer known as the Simurgh smiled. [Endbringer!Taylor] [Alive Annette] [AU] I am the fourth entity of Worm, created by Abadon "Abigail" using Moon Cell as the raw material. But none of those fools knew the true him. Hypnos(Ryuugi)-Post GM Taylor goes back as an endbringer for a Scion Speedrun. All other top-level replies must suggest a fic (or ask for clarification). Does anyone know any good endbringer fics either OC or SI or Alt power Taylor if so message me, thanks. The remainder don't have signs up. Crazed Cultist, they called him. Yes, there's definitely something I can use here. Insane, they accused him. Also, please feel free to point out any grammatical errors! Boredom is an incredibly deadly state of mind. May 13, 2014 · Shellga and Protectga are going to be very nice to throw on people during Endbringer Attacks. " Jul 31, 2021 · After a night of questionable choices, the SI takes on the form of an Endbringer. . The fourth Endbringer to strike, first appearing in Japan in 2012. 3. Do not post story ideas. [Worm CYOA 1 Endbringer SI] [Eldritch Revelation CYOA] This Fanfic is a rewrite of Can Endbringers be Dummy Thicc?. Wyvern has her turn into a dragon and blow the door off. Endbringer control: This is a Crackfic, meaning the story is not intended to be taken seriously. First Friendbringer it is. Described by Weaver as being somewhere between Leviathan and Behemoth in size, black in color with a broad physique, a permanent snarl on his face, silvery white teeth, tendrils like the whiskers of a catfish marking the corners of his mouth, and lacking clothing. A Subtle Approach (Worm Endbringer SI) +page break+. This thing is really inconvenient. [3] A physical powerhouse, Behemoth is infamous for his ability to ignore the Manton effect within a radius of 32 feet. Taylor bent down a little to see past Leviathan's hand, then she pressed a hand against it and pushed up. Only two were critical, so I proceeded to the fifth floor where I heard Hypnos(Ryuugi)-Post GM Taylor goes back as an endbringer for a Scion Speedrun. He's the first Endbringer and the strongest, so her and Crawler obviously couldn't do anything significant him. The End Bringer also great. Finally, I must warn you that SOME but not ALL that have seen this footage have complained about severe headaches and other adverse symptoms. Endbringer protocols+truce are in effect and the entire Triumvirate show up. "I'm certain! My cure spell works on my perfectly and look!" Layer upon layer, make your mark now… Haste! She tensed sharply at the green waves flowing around me, but stopped with the red light of haste burst around me before fading from existence. Dec 7, 2020 · In the morning, the city would wake from a night of slumber and people would remark about the storm's strange ferocity. We were directed to a high rise that Behemoth had already passed, and we found a number of capes on the fourth floor. I (more accurate to call her a very advance V. Armsmaster's weapon plunged into and through the Endbringer's head, bisecting it and continuing down into Leviathan's torso, splitting the Endbringer in half lengthwise. Reality Intrudes has her taken over by an Operative of the Matrix and bust her way out. I love characters becoming Endbringers and being good people with it. [Endbringer!Taylor] [Alive Annette] [AU] Hypnos - Original Endbringer who is also Taylor There are also some Enbringer power fics (will link later, you can find them on wormstorysearch): Aquarius - Leviathan Water Worm - Leviathan Curse You Merciful Poseidon! -Leviathan Prathama - Behemoth Radiance - Behemoth Of the ones I listed, the best is probably Paper and Sand imho We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. " In the past, specifically, January. The deafness (but still able to communicate just fine) and massive, mysterious power, being told how amazing she is by the Triumvirate, but still being distrusted by others, showing off her clever deduction to the amazement of others my Mary Sue senses are tingling, but I'll reserve judgement until there's Paper and Sand is a Worm fanfic by FifteenBadgers. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. It had to have been the fourth time she'd asked me. "A Prison of Glass" does end up having the SI kill an Endbringer, but it is not at the beginning of the fic. They confound me. I turned my glare on the trident equipped swimmer September 30th, 2003 - 4:08 PM - Birdcage - Glaistig Uaine. Should I even fight it? The only reason why she appeared so limited was because like Worm said the Endbringers are SERIOUSLY sandbagging and partly because The Simurgh lacked creativity due to how, despite being the most independent, was a severely limited A. Notes: For any of you that have read my previous work, Can Enbringers Be Dummy Thicc?, I would like to say thank you. " I raise an eyebrow, "Let's just say that Endbringer fights change your priorities in life, even if you're just there as a bodyguard. "Wayne Enterprises. The Endbringer had appeared only a couple of days after the Brockton Bay Resettlement Project had finished. "PEOPLE OF NEW BROCKTON BAY, settle down and follow the drones to Endbringer shelters. Ziz. Index: [Prologue:Below] [I:8] [3:1] Omakes: Round 2: FIGHT! By Cyn Getting Ready for the (Mini)'con by NemiTheNen High Voltage! by Seahowl Make My Endbringer Grow! by Runek Sep 30, 2018 · "Oh," she said to the Endbringer standing behind her. " Next building. Companions: The Freaks (-1 Point) Perks: Blank, Shattered Limited, First Impressions, Additional Core, Alien Nature (-5 Points) Complications: None Jul 1, 2017 · A Subtle Approach (Worm Endbringer SI)-+-This was done using the Worm CYOA v1 taking the Endbringer option. But what if an out-of-context being interfered? Features Queen Administrator Taylor. "Funny, I thought you were The Third Endbringer," I snarled. With a dark smile on his face he says "It just works" Alexandria grabbed a large piece of debris and threw it at The Simurgh but the Endbringer used her telekinesis to grab it mid flight and threw it right back into Alexandria sending her into the ground. In Here There Be Dragons Taylor turns into a giant dragon and is widely considered to be the fourth Endbringer Fafnir. In the morning, the building's owner would get a call about one of their windows being broken, and they would grumble and go up to visit the apartment. You do get to see the reactions of various characters. " A fourth building. Burn Taylor is treated as such. This was done using the Worm CYOA v1 taking the Endbringer option. Both are complete which is a rarity among Worm fics. An Endbringer who runs a shop. I narrowed my eyes and glared harder at her. In spite of multiple Enbringers attacking at the same place defenders manage to destroy one of them. . Leviathan thrashed, but gallons of water were pierced through by the odd blur around the halberd. "Switzerland. Behemoth (pronounced: "bih-HEE-moth"[21]) is the first of the Endbringers to appear. I completed an email with a strange CYOA and now I am a Deus Ex Machina with the aim of saving the world. She has two torsos and four arms (ending in long, clawed hands) but only one pair of legs. Or First Friendbringer. She flinched along with her brothers. [Endbringer!Taylor] [Alive Annette] [AU] Oct 1, 2018 · How To Train Your Endbringer (HTTYE for short) is a Worm fanfic by RavensDagger. "Waffleburger. [21] Although less The 4th Endbringer Cthylla has been spotted moving around the island and many suspect that she is most likely responsible for creating it. [Endbringer!Taylor] [Alive Annette] [AU] Personally for interesting Endbringer stuff I’d recommend Exponential Growth, which features SliverQueen!Taylor in the Birdcage. It was later uploaded to AO3 on February 19, 2019. This will be my first time posting fanfiction so please be gentle. He is the second of the Endbringers to appear and is considered the "middle child" between Behemoth and the Simurgh. Mar 15, 2018 · I've been reading a great deal of Worm Fanfiction recently and every author treats Endbringers as either the Threat they are, or sometimes has them killed off or run off like it was (almost) nothing. He is a dynakinetic capable of manipulating energy in all of its forms. Taylor Hebert… I thrashed, struggled, tried to get someone, ANYONE, to open the locker door… The bugs were biting me, crawling all over my body, my clothes… Leviathan (pronounced: "leh-VY-uh-than") is one of the Endbringers. Endslayer (Campione inspired snippet) At that moment, time seemed to stand still. One More Trigger has Emma (as a cape) tear the door off and let her out. Waffleburger?" asked Danny. Then, a fourth Endbringer appeared, slaughtering her companions before her eyes before a teleporter accident hurled her months into the past. Staring up at the fourth monster. All the time, actually, since the SI is not the point-of-view for the fanfic. Growing slightly when an Endbringer feigns injury and retreats, only to be crushed once more when they find dozens of their own dead, thousands of civilians, and the despair that in 3 months time it will all happen again. [spoiler=warning: if you have read the fourth war in the index, this is a copy of it so please don't waste your time] Welcome to the Parahumans Online message boards. AN: What did you think? This will be a one shot or not depending on feedback and the idea just wouldn't leave my head. Dec 28, 2022 · The SI is a Friendbringer who is also a Thiccbringer. Disclaimer: Campione! was written by Taketsuki Jou, and Worm is a webnovel written by Wildbow. Behemoth: The first Whoops! 1. [4] Although he is very slow and incapable of dodging most attacks, he can render a region into a radioactive Farseer Taylor unintentionally triggers Endbringer attack while trying to defuse Simurgh's bomb. 24K subscribers in the WormFanfic community. " Bad thing is we're proving her right. -+-Chapter 1 Valefor had a reputation among many people. The table for my tea party is made of the finest wood, while my choice of tea is such a wide array of options. The fourth endbringer Fic Search - Specific There's a fic were Taylor becomes the leader of a cult of a fourth endbringer, the endbringer is OC but the story is great Oct 15, 2015 · I was actually a little irked at that. A profound and inexplicable panic gripped Eidolon. How to Train Your Endbringer Taylor controls the endbringers. Our celebration turned out to be short-lived, however, seeing as a fourth Endbringer had just appeared over Cambridge, Massachusetts, blocking out the sun in the shadow of its sheer size. Despite not possessing the sheer power of Behemoth or the intellect of the Simurgh, he shares strengths with both of them, making him a dangerous threat that can be unexpectedly cunning. As Alexandria picked herself back up and flew back into the fight she called out, "Dragon, time?" The Tinker replied, "Seventeen minutes!" I'm HALPING! has a literal Endbringer show up and rip the door off just after she went in. This fanfiction is a creative outlet and is completely non-profit. SPOILER: First CYOA: Worm CYOA 1. Being told by a doctor that if you eat too much you'll die is another shock to the system. My brother made a rude gesture, leaning against a nearby building as we watched our sister work. Valefor was dutiful. I want a geniune chaotic good or natural good endbringer that plays a part in somehow improving society and people's lives. A God Awakens, Ruler of [THE WORLD] is cool enough Skitter. Moving my mouse I click on the Endbringer option. [Endbringer!Taylor] [Alive Annette] [AU] "ThinkTech," indicated Zephron, tapping one building before moving on to the next. His actions somehow both completely destroy canon and still ensure some canon events. Let's see if this world is ready to face Regalia. With Friends Like These Taylor controls Tiny!Endbringers. Jul 1, 2017 · A Subtle Approach (Worm Endbringer SI)-+-This is a worm cyoa in endbringer mode. I'd say it's a really rad endbringer kill. There was no peace for Taylor after her victory. Hypnos and Paper and Sand both have Taylor cursed into endbringerdom by Eden after she kills Scion, along with a reset of the timeline. Inspired by the old Hypnos threads on Spacebattles. Always wanted to do Endbringer SI but thought about making a trump endbringer for other parahumans, not herself. Worm fanfic has largely reconstructed the deconstruction of Crossover Events that Endbringers were in Worm, with the reliable and regular murder brawl fight being portrayed in Worm as a tragic event with real consequences instead of that thing every year where every character has to get together and fight something big that was probably reused I look over the description of the Endbringer route, and an idea starts to form in my mind. Taylor and her loved ones had fought and struggled, standing victorious in the end. Also, she wields the an eldritch book of power. Basically Self insert new Endbringer with unrestricted Shaper that shows up around 11 years before canon. Worm is owned by Wildbow. Sep 24, 2014 · Disclaimer: Worm is a product and creation of Wildbow. Eventually, Taylor found someplace to throw up. I like that you had Taylor thoroughly confused on what the Manton Effect is since it seems like so many people on this forum don't grasp what it means in regards to powers. Osiris told the world straight up that "I don't need to kill a single human in my entire life as an endbringer, you'll all do that yourselves. I take no profit out of writing this fanfic save for some satisfaction (and a whole lot of embarassment for finally realizing my incompetency). Also being an Endbringer automatically grants a level of physical strength and durability even without the use of a power. "Strapping Lad, Young Buck, and myself were assigned to medical evacuations. Jun 6, 2024 · After a night of questionable choices, the SI takes on the form of an Endbringer. I) who could only act outside mission parameters; if Eden and If you want to talk about the request, reply to this comment. May 1, 2022 · The door opened, showing the fourth Endbringer in her smaller form. [7] Her faces and hands adopt the costume of the three capes May 1, 2022 · The door opened, showing the fourth Endbringer in her smaller form. I don't notice how I am rooted to the ground. Offense tends to be nullified and the person starting it usually ends up dead. Chapter 1. It ends with an Endbringer fight up in Canada that features a quite well-done original Endbringer, Amarok. Water Worm-Locker-Taylor bodyjacks leviathan. Eden's death had been a lie. Valefor had a reputation among many people. Valefor was faithful. Tod howard waves his hand and destroys all of planet earth. ov xe fn xm am qp da gy wf mc